LRC Family Pass

The Calmar Public Library is one again partnering with the Calmar Elementary School to offer 1 week family passes to the Leduc Recreation Centre (LRC) to our patrons. This will give you access to the LRC to sample what the recreation center has to offer!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Since we can only offer these passes through the Library during the summer, a family is only able to borrow an LRC pass once. This is to help us ensure several families can make use of the passes while we have them!

The pass will have a loan period of one week (7 days). So that the passes can be lent out to as many families as possible, renewals are unavailable.

The idea behind the passes is that you sample the LRC and what it has to offer. If you decide it is the recreation facility for you, then you can contact the LRC to find out how you can get your very own pass!

If the library feels you have used the passes beyond what they are intended for, we may choose to place a block on your account for a short time, giving others the chance to use the passes, too.

We do not charge late fees. However, after the passes have been late for one week, you will be contacted by the library to return it as soon as possible. After 21 days overdue, the pass will be considered "lost" and cancelled so that it can no longer be used at the LRC. A replacement cost for the pass will be charged to your library account, and it is non-refundable—even if you bring the pass back.

The family pass will let you into the areas and activities of the LRC that a regular LRC membership will.

Please note: The LRC offers special activities and classes that have a cost associated with them, and the library family pass will not give you access to those!

Currently, we are not allowing our patrons to place holds on the passes. When an item is on hold for a patron, they have two weeks to pick the item up—so a pass could be sitting that long instead of being utilized. We know the passes are popular and we really want to get them into people’s hands as soon as possible!

For questions about the Leduc Recreation Centre please call them at 780-980-7120 or check out their page on the City of Leduc website: