Loan Periods and Fines

All items belonging to the Calmar Public Library have a loan period of three weeks (21 days).

You may have the following number of items checked out to your account at a time:

  • 50 books
  • 6 audio-visual materials (DVDs and TV series)

Items from different TRAC libraries may have different loan periods. Due dates will be provided on the receipt provided at checkout, and can always be viewed by visiting TRACpac and inputting your library card barcode and PIN number (last four digits of your phone number).

Items can be returned during operating hours at the circulation desk or at any time through the outdoor drop-box. This drop-box is accessible for returns 24/7, including when the library is closed.

As of January 1, 2022 the Calmar Public Library stopped charging late fees. 

We strongly encourage everyone to still bring their items back on time, so that other patrons can have access to them! If you accrue more than $10 in other fines on your library card, you will not be able to access library services or borrow items from any TRAC library until the fines are paid.

What does no late fees mean for old or existing late fee charges?

Any overdue fines for items belonging to the Calmar Public Library that accrued prior to January 1, 2022 will be waived. Please note this is only for late fees and does not apply to replacement fees, damaged fees, or fees you may have gotten when visiting another TRAC Library. If you have fees on your account from another TRAC library, you will need to contact them to discuss.

If any other fees on your account have accrued more than $10, you will not be able to borrow items or access services and eResources. Fees can only be paid in person, and at this time the library is only able to accept payments in cash.

What happens if an item is not returned on time?

Reminders are emailed three days prior to an item's due date. These reminders are a courtesy, and are not directly controlled by library staff. It is ultimately always the patron's responsibility to be aware of when their items should be returned. Once the original due date passes, additional overdue reminders will be emailed on a weekly basis to remind you to return the item as soon as possible! If an overdue item has not been returned after 28 days, you will be automatically billed for a replacement fee.

What is a replacement fee?

If you do not return an overdue item after 28 days, a replacement fee will be charged to your account. This fee is the cost the library paid when the item was purchased.

Returning the overdue item within one month of the replacement fee being charged to your account will result in the deletion of the replacement fee.

However, if the overdue item belongs to another TRAC Library (eg. an item you had requested, or borrowed while visiting another branch), we will receive a bill from the owning library. Once our library pays the other library back, we will not be able to remove this replacement fee and you will have to pay it in full. If this happens within the one month allotment before you return the overdue item, the replacement fee cannot be waived or deleted, and you will be responsible for paying it. 

Can I still use my library card if there is a replacement fee on it?

If you owe more than $10 on your library card you will not be able to borrow items or access eResources. Fees can only be paid in person, and at this time the library is only able to accept payments in cash. Please remember to return your library materials in a timely manner!

All items are inspected for damages by library staff prior to being checked in. If an item is damaged by a patron, the Director of Library Services will decide if a fee must be charged.

What happens if I damage a library item?

If you are a patron registered with us, you will be informed when you are charged for a damaged item that belongs to the Calmar Public Library. You will be responsible for paying the fee (usually the cost to replace the item) in full. Once the fee is paid, the damaged item will become yours to take home.

Can I buy a replacement copy of the damaged item?

This may be possible, and is determined on a case-by-case basis after speaking with the Director of Library Services. The damaged item must belong to the Calmar Public Library. The fee for the damaged material will not be removed from your account until the replacement copy has been given to the library.

What if the item belongs to a different library?

We cannot decide whether to charge for damage for any item that does not belong to the Calmar Public Library. The item will have the damage noted and will be returned to the owning library, where they will make that decision. If they determine a damaged material fee must be charged, it will be applied to your account. You will be responsible for paying the fee (usually the cost to replace the item) in full.

Can I still use my library card if there is a damaged material fee on it?

If you owe more than $10 on your library card you will not be able to borrow items or access eResources. Fees can only be paid in person, and at this time the library is only able to accept payments in cash.